Friendship is an opportunity to love, to learn about yourself, to mature as a human being, and to open up to the full experience of life. I talk a lot about my sisters, biological and otherwise but I would be remiss to not talk about my girlfriends, and the bond we share. I have blessed to have the same group of girlfriends for 30+ years. In my family, we grew up with all of our extended family. On weekends, we would gather and have pool parties and barb-ques, and on holidays we would all cram into one another's homes to celebrate together. Due to our circumstance, the twins, Michele and Nicole, and I were put together a lot. They were a year older than me and their mom was my mom's aunt. We could have been triplets, not cause we looked alike (we don't, not even the twins), but because where I was they were and vice versa. Even as we got older, and had choices to hang out with others, we chose each other. The twins befriended Bonnie in the 2nd grade and the four of us have been the best of friends ever since.
These girls and I have each others back, no matter what. We watch out for each other, trust one another and love one another HARD! Together, we have endured love, loss, grief, change, and resilience. We stood by and witnessed college graduations, marriages, home purchases, child birth and everything in between. We've cried together, laughed together, partied (too hard) together, and stuck by one another's side, even when we don't always agree. They give me a feeling of belonging, and they definitely bring the entertainment. I can't imagine a life without them, and quite frankly I am glad I don't have to. As we embark on the second half of our life by each other's side, I am looking forward to continuing to watch us grow, together and individually, and to the adventures we have yet to take. These girls have truly shaped me and the course of my life. Tell me about your close friendships.