In normal years, I'd be walking in right about now, with all the bounty I scored at lowest possible price from the night before. When I was a teenager my mom would take my sisters and I out on Black Friday to try on clothes, that she would later buy us and put under the tree. As I got older, my girlfriends and I would make a night of it and try to get to as many stores to get as many deals as we could, culminating the evening in diner breakfast. As a young adult with young children, my husband and I would continue the tradition, looking for the best deals on toys and electronics. A few years ago, I started cyber shopping but there was always still those one or two items you had to go in person to find but this year, I'm not sure I'll buy one single gift from a brick and mortar store, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I already started my shopping, picked up a few odds and ends but I usually wait till around now to get the bulk of it done as the sales are usually just too good too pass up! My children are older now, so there is no "must have" toy or even electronic. While they may want the newest game system, (my pre teen), he also is just fine if he has to wait a few months till there is enough inventory. This year most of their requests are clothes, sneakers, money and gaming accessories. The youngest is a huge sports fan, so he wants some Vikings gear, while my oldest, a newer driver, wants some car things, nothing fancy, nothing special, just the basics. People warned me this time would come when the holidays aren't as exciting but despite it being the year of Covid and easy shopping, I'm still joyful. I still get to spend the holidays with my family continuing old traditions, building new ones, and maybe learning a few things along the way.
I do have the Black Friday Blues but I am going to cure them. I will finish the decorating, bake some cookies, even food shop and workout. The tree will be dressed with all her ornaments, and I may even take a walk. Then later tonight when all is quiet in my world, I will jump online and grab some cyber sales, to quell my blues and start my shopping season? Do you enjoy Black Friday shopping?